Roll-a-Bong Games

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Dank D&D and “The Fellowship of The Bong.”

The Fellowship of the Bong is an original 5th Edition Dungeons and Dragons adventure for 4-6 players.  I have run this game several times and it always both entertains and amazes.  I wrote about these games as Dank D&D or NY-style infused gaming.  My blog received some traffic, and I received some hilarious feedback.  After a few months the traffic for that blog died down but, amazingly, never went away.

After repeated requests for the adventure itself, I published the first version of “Fellowship of the Bong.” Then it happened again, and again, and more people wanted my dank adventure.  The demand has become so consistent that I felt it was important for me to rewrite the adventure and add vital information that was missing.  I have now posted a new and improved version of “The Fellowship” and will be sending a copy to anyone who purchased the original PDF.

The updated adventure has an index explaining how the Sacred Bud is used and the power it gives each member of the Fellowship.  Also included is the index on how to use action points and how they apply to each character.   I removed the clunky character sheets and replaced it with just the information you need to play each character.  Now each member of the Fellowship has personal motivations and abilities that will shock and entertain the dank gamer.

In the adventure you get to play one of six 5th level D&D favorites:

·         Sir Landrew Vert- Human Paladin and herald

·         Brother Soulforge Morganson- Dwarven Priest and representative

·         Lothloriana- High Elven Wizard and Emissary

·         Hew Van Bluntson- Gnome Representative and entertainer

·         Trenchmon Roll- Rock Troll Warrior and honor guard

·         Ander Goldenbong- Lightfoot Hobbit council member and the last guy with the map

If you’re interested in taking a look and ordering your copy, the link is  Purchase the adventure today and join the Fellowship of the Bong!